You Chose to Build a Wooden House

You decide to build a wooden house, as you're a fan of the heartwood pine flooring and have always enjoyed the smell of cedar.  Just as you've finished the cabinets in the kitchen, your brother pig bursts in, squealing, "Quick! Bolt the door! The Big Bad Wolf just blew down my straw house and now he's on the way to yours!" As you console your brother, you hear a commotion outside and something about "huff and puff" and "blow your house in." Your and your brother try to fortify the house, but the wolf blows down everything but the door! Your brother frantically tries to get you to go to your other brother's home, the brick house. What do you do?

If you and your brother would like to stick around and clean up the wolf's mess, click HERE.
If you'd like to follow your brother's advice and go to your other brother's brick house, click HERE.